YOU, ME: Editors' Note

YOU, ME is about two people – any two people – and the relationship and stories between them. Everyday lives and ordinary conversations. Short encounters and memories built up over a lifetime. You, me in every story, poem and essay.
As always, this theme threw us the unexpected. We received more submissions than ever before, each one packed with love and care and individual takes on the theme. What we got was raw, heartfelt, and honest. YOU, ME turned out to be an intimate look at some of the most meaningful relationships in our lives, with our mothers, fathers, friends, lovers, neighbours, co-workers.
Expect strawberries dripping red. Rosaries breaking like petals. Blueberries crushed between fingers. Skimmed knees and bruised hearts. Hotel California in Rome. Burned silk and crumpled paper cranes. Second whiskeys, third whiskeys.
This issue will be published across April and a bit of May, with a few pieces going up each week. We want to spotlight the talent, hard work and beauty of every single piece in YOU, ME. Spend time getting to know our artists and writers – and share what you love!
We hope you enjoy YOU, ME as much as we have.
Annabelle, Carlotta & Caroline
Cover Art by Dániel Taylor
Dániel Taylor is a Hungarian graphic designer who playfully merges double exposure with collages and illustration. His designs take you on a trip through time and space, into the depths of forests and the realms of our galaxy in search of natural beauty. Instagram @mrtaylordani