First Love

if i wear what they wear
hide myself in their fur
let my body disappear into antlers and hooves
can i become a deer?
can i stalk back into the forest?
you won’t remember me--
just a brief sighting in your youth
a long-legged doe with blood-stained skin
suddenly there in the road
and then gone again
early one morning
Spel Oner...professional friend, pixel pusher, medium destroyer, super hero with a maniacal edge. Instagram @Spel_Killz
Katiebird Yates currently resides in Maine by way of New York, Italy, Texas, and Florida. Her previously published works can be found in The Aurorean, Slink Chunk Press, and Bitchin' Kitsch. When she’s not writing poems, she can be found stalking the woods with her husband and their wolf pack. Twitter @zarktwain