Performative Documentary

Performative Documentary




you name my bruises after bodiless

slaughters: catharsis, carnage, carcass, but

against the flatbed of your tongue i am

untitled #137 and you bookmark the quiet

sound of blood clots being born between my

legs. i decide then that i hate you.



later, i say: look how i emulate flooding,

boy, as i drown your hands between my

thighs. call myself río de venganza. call this

a soon-to-be water exodus. i say: look how i

domesticate your erection, boy. i say: look

how you flatline for me, boy.



you say: please, and then you come to the

sound of me insulting you in another

language. i name you mayatero. i name you

victoriano huerta. i name you el chacal. i

name you el niño trágico. you gasp against

my rivers, waterlogged, and after it is over i

send your ghost away with my ruined sheets

and your ruined ribs.


Eugenia Loli

Song: Mystery Girl by Alexandra Savior



Euegnia Loli is a filmmaker and collage artist. Originally from Greece, she’s now spent many years living in California. Before art took over her life she worked in the technology sector. Find out more on her Tumblr.

Elisa Luna-Ady is a soft-eyed Chicana from Southern California. She’s the co-founder and managing editor of Kerosene. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Cosmonauts Avenue, Spy Kids Review, Noble Gas Quarterly, and elsewhere. She tweets @astronomyhoe.