At Home With... Alvin Park

Contributor Alvin Park tells us about a home away from home, and dreaming of soondubu
Who is your dream barbecue guest?
Maangchi for her cooking expertise and Korean stories. Mitski just to be able to bask in her general kindness and thoughtfulness.
What meal reminds you of home?
So many Korean foods but probably soondubu. It's not even my favorite Korean food, but I feel like my mom makes it every time I go home. And every time, it's exactly what I need.
Where is your home away from home?
Any of the many cafés I frequent. If I'm not at home, I'm usually working, reading, or people-watching at a café.
Read Alvin's flash 'We Never Learned to Wait for the Dough to Rise' and 'We Never Learned How Pie Tins Work' in our EAT issue. Submit to HOME here.
Alvin Park lives and writes in Portland. He’s associate fiction editor at Little Fiction. His work has been featured in The Rumpus, The Mojave River Review, Wyvern Lit, Synaesthesia Magazine, Wildness, and more. His parents are Korean. He has a long way to go. Follow him on Twitter @chipmnk.