At Home With... Farah Ghafoor

Homecooked food and Friday nights in. Farah Ghafoor tells us what it feels like to be home...
Where is home for you?
Home is wherever I have access to WiFi, my laptop, friends, and some of my favourite books. Or more specifically, a little city in Ontario, Canada.
What food reminds you of home?
Nothing reminds me of home more than my mom's Pakistani dishes! This is super cliche, but trust me, everything she makes is to die for.
It's Friday night. Do you go out, stay in – what do you do?
Stay in, of course! I find it hard to do anything school-related Friday nights, so I tend to spend time on social media, catch up on manga and kdramas, and submit work to journals and competitions.
If you could choose to live anywhere else in the world, where would you go?
Either LA, or Prince Edward Island, Canada.
Read Farah's poem 'here, listen to the ocean' in our SOUND issue. Submit to HOME here.
Photo Ian Schneider
Farah Ghafoor is editor-in-chief at Sugar Rascals and has had poems published in Ninth Letter, alien mouth, and Big Lucks among other places. Her work has been nominated for Best New Poets, and has been recognised by the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards, Hollins University, the Keats-Shelly Memorial Association, the League of Canadian Poets, and Columbia College Chicago. She believes that she deserves a cat.